Blogging my trips wherever I go... Current location: Tokyo, JAPAN

Tuesday, May 24, 2005


Okie, so it was my fault when I found the wrong map to Six Flags today, but hey we got to see new places yar? hehe. Anyway, a normal 2 hours drive took 3 hours instead, so we wasted 2 hours of the day getting lost and asking for directions. =)

Anyway, when we got there, that was when the fun begin! I always had a fear for roller coasters and I always thought it was not worth to get myself uncomfortable and pay for it. haha, but this time round it was free, besides, my friends all wanted to on the rides so badly, so I went along. The apprehension for the first ride was killling me. The queue, the other riders' screams and the slow and ardous climb to the top really made my stomach churn and doubled up in knots. But, in the end the ride felt really too short as I started to have fun. The second ride was even more thrilling as it brought us up 7 ups-and-downs, and 1 gigantic drop. Then I realised something, I was actually having fun on the rides. It was no more a scarey affair but I could now face the camera during the ride and smile! and wave my hands and stick out my tongue... yeh, you get the idea. It was a pity we could not take the newest ride there though. It would have brought us up 455feet (30+ stories), make an inverted loop and come spiralling down at 200kph. Just imagine!

Can childhood dislikes be overcomed? Maybe I'll enjoy horror shows now. Maybe I'll like the taste of ginger now. You never know till you try - Morale of the story.


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