Blogging my trips wherever I go... Current location: Tokyo, JAPAN

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm home!!

Yes, its greatfully heartwarming to hear the nice cheerful "Ohayougozaimasu" the minute I got off the plane, then the escalators that carefully warns you to be careful when you are near the end of the travellator in case you were half asleep from your tiring flight. Buying breakfast from a bread store, the gorgeous lady at the counter, regardless of how busy she was with the morning crowd, greeted me good morning with a brillant smile spread across her face, returned my change, and with a slight bow, SINCERELY thanked me for patronising the store, then wished me good day. Evrything is just so nice. The weather is pleasant. The people are nice. Speaking of which, my tutor accompanied me for lunch, gave me a treat, showed me to my hostel, helped to carry my friggin heavy bag... how cool is that?! Which graduate research tutor in NUS would render that kind service... to a foreigner?! nice!

The place I'm staying at is an awesome place. You'd be amazed how Japanese squeeze 2 desks, 2 cabinets, 2 wardrobes, a chest of drawers, 2 beds, a toilet, a bathtub, a kitchen, a gigantic fridge a lounge area, microwave, washing machine and even a kitchen cabinet... all into 40 square meters (the size of a double bed dorm in Eusoff)!!


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